Q: How do you tell an extroverted engineer?
A: An extroverted engineer will look at your shoes instead of his own
I'm guilty of this. Walking down the street I don't look at other people's faces, I look at them as just things to be avoided in a real-life sort of frogger game. A game to figure out the best way through the crowd. But I always notice people's shoes because apparently that's the height I'm looking at. I'm really conscience of this now because people have to wave for me to see them. Not a little wave of the hand, more like a "don't drive into Tokyo because Godzilla is attacking" sort of wave. That or they crouch so that their face is more where my eye level is, somewhere around knee level...
I feel that I should be interacting with people more, but I just find it exhausting. I need my hidden corner of quite time to recharge, and that's what I make my walks alone to be - recharging.