Sunday, 18 December 2011

Everything I learned about parenting, I learned from Jurassic Park

While taking care of our new arrival, I've been able to apply the lessons from Jurassic Park while taking care of her:

  • If you don't move, she can't see you

  • You don't want to be trapped in a locked car with a hungry / angry baby

  • Her claws can rip you to shreds if you're not careful

  • When you think that you've got her all cleaned up and then she starts to pee or poop on you. Clever girl.

  • "Anybody hear that? It's a, um... It's an impact tremor, that's what it is... I'm fairly alarmed here." - that's when you know you're in deep shit because she's just filled her pants. Again.

  • If you take don't care of things, you know that the babies are going to run wild and someone's going to have to call in the government to take over

  • Even having an all female population of babies, you know that somehow when you turn your back there is going to be more.

  • She can't open doors. Yet...

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Things to remember

It's funny, but I'm forgetting simple things some days. I had to check the calendar the other day to see what day Alice was born. I can't imagine what I'll have forgotten by the time she's one, let along 20.

Some of the things that I'm sure to forget is how she crosses her legs at her ankles (right over left), her clumsy headbutts or how she can go from severe rage to calm baby in a couple of seconds. I think that she gets that last part from me. :-/

I still don't understand how anyone would have thought that I'm responsible enough to have a child. I keep on expecting an official to show up and ask for proof of my maturity and me trying to hide the lego and not be wearing a t-shirt that makes me giggle. Either way, I think that we all have a lot still to learn.

Friday, 2 December 2011

Cheating somehow

I feel like we're cheating somehow with both Laura and I off and looking after Alice. Aren't we supposed to be at our wits end by day 8? I think that everyone is quite happy so far with us being able to tag team and work at getting things done. I can't imagine how difficult it would be with a new child by yourself. It wouldn't be fun.

I feel very lucky with our setup. I feel we're doing something that most people would never get the chance to do and in a way I feel a bit guilty about that. But there is no way that I'd ever pass up this opportunity to be at home with my girls for so long.