Friday, 28 February 2014

Hidden Worry, Pesky Insomnia

As we're getting closer to Go Time for baby #2, I'm having a harder and harder time sleeping through the night. It's like sympathy Insomnia. Who wants that? If I was going to choose a symptom from the pregnancy, I think that I'd choose the part where you want to eat all the time. That's just me.


So, in the mean time, please enjoy this picture which I call Toddler Gothic.

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Three Things

There are three things that I have learned thus far in my life:
1) I make a horrible passenger
2) I have trouble counting sometimes

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Jim Time

Sometimes everyone needs some time alone. I appreciate that. I feel that I start to go a bit nuts if I don't have any "me" time. However, how I recharge might not be the same as someone else. For me I like to travel. I travel to different places, different times, different timelines. How do I do this you ask? Mostly by reading fiction. Sometimes it's by watching movies.

I may physically be in the same room as someone else, but I might really be far, far away (perhaps a long time ago). I enjoy reading. At this point I'm into a lot of short stories because it allows me to travel to many different places yet not commit to being in any world for too long.

The drawback is that I feel a bit antisocial by sitting there reading. It doesn't really stop me, but I still feel weird about it.

Monday, 10 February 2014

Grandma's stuff

This is another post sans-spell check. And with a headache for added... stuff...

My grandma has had a fall. And then another one that broke her hip. Her memory has been going downhill for a while. She's now in a home-place where she'll get more personal contact and someone else will take care of her meals. I don't know if it's really happy there. In some ways it's probably an even more reminder of the end of the line. Getting old sucks. But it's something that not everyone is able to do.

I have guilt about not seeing her more.

That should be easy to fix, yet somehow it feels difficult.

Her house is being sold. Of course there's not enough room at her new place for all her things, so the family is dividing up what's in the house and planning on selling the rest.

It feels so.... shitty. It's like she is dead and we're cleaning out her place. I don't know how to reconcil that.

As I get older, I think that I need to plan to have less and less things. Not including lego of course. Each year I can try to get rid of a percentage of stuff. 10%? 15%? As long as the things going out is greater than what's coming in, it should be okay. Eventually you can get down to just what can fit into a room and a closet. Realistically that's probably enough stuff for someone. And that way if when you need to move somewhere to get more care, all you need is a room. And another room for the lego of course.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Firsts for the third time

Well, it's cold out. Cold out at some point means beaver tails and ice. That's just how it works.

Mine mommy! Mine!
Now, this isn't Alice's first time at winterlude. I think that the first time we took her on the canal she was less than 2 months old. Now, we weren't skating, but she was on the canal.
Toddlers on ice
Now we can enjoy it as a family a bit more. Spend time, have fun. Enjoy some "hot toe toe" if the need strikes us. It may be cold outside, but I sure feel warm inside. (no, it's not a fever)