Friday, 29 August 2014

For the love of books

Alice seems to have inherited my love of books (which she might also get from her mother) and my avoidance of everything else when having a good book. This can be a problem, both for her and for us. She now regularly says "No, I can't! I'm reading a story!". And she almost is. She has quite a few books memorized which doesn't really hit you until you hear this two year old say things like "Gave the luster of mid-day to objects below" and "More rapid than eagles his coursers they came".

Will she need to incorporate fitness into her schedule because that's the only way that it'll happen? At this point I'm thinking very much yes. I love books, but they can really enable a sedentary lifestyle. I just have to love peddle power and she'll be okay.

Taking her ride out on the town

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Ass callus

I love biking. I really do. But like any form of exercise for me, if I don't do it often, I lose all my "tone". Well, callus's. When I'm talking about biking, it's the bum. That's the part that hurts. When I've not been biking for a while, I usually try to start with a 20 minute ride and then take a break (hopefully) the next day. That's how I build up my ass callus.

Well, yesterday I went for an hour long ride. It made me happier. At least the non-bum parts of me.

The summer seems like it's gone by in a blur of park visits, picnics, and wonderful times. Somehow I seem to have missed all the exercising that I had planned on doing to get back into shape from my winter shape; which is decidedly round.

I don't understand how people exercise alone when it's not part of how they get from place A to place B. Maybe I'm too lazy to decide that "this is a good time to go to the gym". I need someone to kick me and say "let's go!" or, more simply, it's just how I get to work.

Simply put, for my tummy to not be soft, I need my bum to be callused. Confusing, yes. True? Probably.

Monday, 18 August 2014

Babies come from where?!? *look of horror*

I wanted to capture something that happened today since it was just too funny.

We were discussing with Alice the old stroller which broke in the winter when Laura was pregnant with Isaac. Which lead to the question of "how do babies come out of mommy's tummy?". Well, without missing a beat Laura calmly explained that babies come out the vagina. The look for shock / horror / disgust on Alice's face was priceless. We explained that babies aren't actually in the tummy where the food goes, but are in the uterus until they are ready to come out.

There was a pause. Then she said "can we please talk about strollers again?".

I think that I may have peed myself laughing. Just a little.

Friday, 15 August 2014

Preschooler - now in 3D

Well, we did it. We took our kids to a movie. A 3D movie none the less. At about 35 minutes long and full of cute fuzzy black white racoons, it wasn't enough to hold Alice's attention. But it was close. Was it too loud for their young ears? Maybe. Hopefully not, but maybe.

Cool in the 3D shades
Could the wonderful imax movie compare with a stationary parked bus? No, no it could not. We went back to that base at least on 3 separate occasions. What does a preschooler do in a bus like that? Sit quietly on a seat, perhaps while listening to her dad pretend that the driver is taking the corners too fast. Maybe it's just enjoying a nice quiet ride with mom. I'm pretty sure that she's not the average preschooler.
Sitting on a bus

Friday, 8 August 2014

Not the same number of pictures

It's not often that you'll hear me saying that I think that I'm not taking enough photos. But that's what I'm going to say here. I love taking photos and using those to trigger memories of the good times we have. Right now I think that we're having a lot of fun, but hardly any photos. Why? Because we're too busy having fun.

When it was just the 2, then 3 of us, there was always someone "free" to hold a camera and take pictures. Now we're usually 1 to 1 with a child, which pretty much means zero photos. Am I a bit sad we're missing the chance to document these times? A bit. But fun will should win out.

Thinking about how she wants to smile
The Big Man considering what else to eat