Saturday, 29 August 2015

Seems to have been the right decision

I've been so doubtful of our decision to buy the yuba. Was it too expensive? Would we use it more than on just weekends? Has she already outgrown it?

Well, after a bump on how to get it adjusted for both of us, I think that we've figured it out. And we're really enjoying it.

The kids aren't fighting, we can talk and point out the things that we're seeing, we don't have issues with "narrow" spaces. Short story: everyone is having fun.

How awesome is that?

Of course you have to put your arms out and say "wheee!" on every down slope

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

A good day

This was a good day. Got to the cottage and it didn't take 8 hours. Got a meal, swim, and paddle around the lake.

It was great to go for a paddle with the 4 of us, but then Isaac decided he wanted to stand in the canoe so we turned around. Then Alice really wanted me to take her out so, despite what I thought, I took her out. It was very successful and I didn't want it to end so I kept on going. Her smile was... magical. So happy about the special Daddy / daughter paddle. We watched the sunset, talked about where Shipwreck Beach was and how Captian Hook is there with Smee. The we paddled around the island and came back. 

Today was a good day. 

Because my heart tells me so

You know when you make a big decision that's pretty difficult and you feel so calm about it? That's when it feels like it's the Right Decision. Even though it will make life a lot more complex? Ya. That's what I feel.

So for lunch I'm having peanut butter and strawberry jam. Not honey. That's one less life decision down. 

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Can't help but be sad

I finally read Good Omens and I really enjoyed it. But that doesn't mean I'm not awash in sadness. I still can't believe that Pratchett is gone. It just seems... wrong.

In Defence of Mother Gothel

Now, this is about the Mother Gothel from Tangled.

This woman finds a plant and discovers how to use it to extend her life for at least hundreds of years. Does she ruin it? No. She keeps it safe from other people that might not. Selfish? Yes, but isn't immortality one of things that people have sought throughout the ages?

Eventually her secret is found, and the people destroy the flower to save a single person and and her unborn child. The flower could have helped millions of people, but it was destroyed selfishly.

When the child is born, Mother Gothel tries to just take some hair, but that is not enough. So in an act of desperation she takes the child and lovely raises it as her own, if in isolation. Why would she do this? Because she realized that without the child she was going to shortly die. It was a desperate act by a desperate woman who felt she had no other options.

How would I have acted in her place? How would you?

Who really was the bad guy in that movie? Just about anyone can be the bad guy... from a certain point of view.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Remembering to plan to forget

It's funny, but for events that happen in my life I come to the blog to check the dates. I simply don't remember, but I probably blogged about it, right? That's a Jimish thing to do.

The last 10 years have gone by so quickly. At this point I figure that I've forgotten more than I remember. Who will remember? The Jim of the past: The Jim Of The Blog. The current Jim of meatspace simply can't. Not. Enough. Sleep. I blame the small children.

Know a problem about Past Jim Of the Blog? He didn't always write things down. At least not in the way that Current Meatspace Jim can find.

Frack it. I'm going to bed.

Saturday, 1 August 2015

Self Identify As...

A lot of online handles I'm seeing have people self identifying as... something. Mom, Father, husband, wife, from a particular part of the city, bicycle advocate, politician, etc. However, I don't have anything like that. Looking at the handles I've made for myself, I've always identified as... Jim. Some form of Jim at least.

Was I me before being a father? Before I biked to get around? Before I was married? Yes. A different version of me of course, but still me. It seems like it will be the one constant in my life. It seems restricting to add a label on top of my name.

I guess that in the end I will diminish, and go into the West and remain Jim. As all good Jim's do.