Monday, 13 June 2016

Go. Swim. Ca-nal.

Isaac is such a joker. Every day he says goodbye to the daycare workers Sorna (bye Sor-na!) and Samantha / Sam (Bye Steve! [giggle / sly smile] Bye Sam!" Funny man.

Then on the days we are lucky enough to be biking home, as we approach the 417 bridge / Pretoria bridge we will have an exchange like this, almost word for word, each and every time.

Isaac: Go. Swim. Ca-nal. Alice. Go. Swim. Ca-nal.
Me: No!
I (sadly): Why?
M: Why not?
I (big grin): Not. SAFE!
M: That's right.
I: Too. Dirty. Yuck!
M (laughing): That's right. Yuck!
I: Yuck!

Tonight while I had him sitting on the toilet trying to fill that instead of his pants, I thought that I'd tell him a story to help him relax. So I decided to start stories the way that I do when I'm making it up and go with "There once was a boy and the boy loved (insert something here, tonight it was dragons) very much". He yelled "NO! READ WHAT IS SAYS!". I was quite taken aback. Mostly because that's how I start every story for Alice to tease her and because it's the opening to one of my favoute books. What he said tonight is her usual response. It's so funny: I tease one child and the other one learned from example. I've got to be careful.

Friday, 10 June 2016

I want to hang onto those moments

It's funny. The kids right now are so cute. Well, not right now because they are asleep, but when they are awake and not fighting or running away or anything they are cute.

They play well together. Alice says funny things with how she sees things. Isaac talks in his toddler voice with pleading to "go to air-port. Go wreally high. Go wreally fast. Higher. Higher! HIGHER!". Then he moves in for the really great hug.

I want a time capsule of specific moments so I can go back to them. Maybe a pensieve would be good enough. Moments to cherish.

Don't get me wrong. I'm pretty sure my brain could do with actually sleeping all night for a while to undo 2 years of damage. of damage. of damage.

Who am I? How did I get here?

Oh ya. Yes, I'll enjoy when my kids are older and can do more for themselves. I just know that I'll miss some of these moments while my brain damage has blotted out all the bad things.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

My xkcd garden

I've been growing it for a while. I sort of didn't want to lose my garden. ;-)