Thursday, 23 February 2017

Warm weather brings out the bikes

It's been a while, but today the temp was around 11 C and sunny. What does this mean? It means the road is (mostly) clear and the kids bikes come out. Laura even got out the family scooter and was gliding around.

Isaac was out biking with Laura while Lucy and I got Alice from the bus (with a stopover at Faith's house for some playtime). When he saw us he shouted "Look I have my bike! HAHAHAHA!". Yes, he loves his bike. It was another one of Laura's brilliant ideas to get it.

It brings me great joy to see the kids enjoying being outside and biking. It makes me think that they'll develop healthy habits and have a good quality of life.

Friday, 10 February 2017

Less fratricide, more friendship

I have to admit, but it snuck up on me. Alice and Isaac are playing well together (most of the time). They love each other so much. They love sharing what they do (as long as no one is hungry, sleepy, sick, or [insert reason here]).

Today Isaac explained to me that Alice is his best friend.

Isaac listens to what Alice says, and then he (mostly) does what she'll ask him.

It's been a nice change. It gives me hope.