Friday, 16 November 2018

Snow day

Today was a snow day, the first of the season. I was going to be off with Lucy anyways, so what's another 2 kids.

Things are generally good. A close friend at work has decided to leave the GoC. Lucy is super cute with her songs and piggy tails. Alice continues to be sharp as a whip in grade 2. Isaac is getting used to JK but with the long days, at the end he's Just Done™. Laura continues to be super awesome.

With the weather getting colder, we're not biking anymore. I was hoping to be taking the LRT by now, but it doesn't look like it will be operational until it's almost biking weather again. Biking continues to be the fastest way in and out of downtown compared to driving or bus.

I wish that I was blogging more, but usually by the time the kids are in bed and all the stuff that we need to get done is finished (or not even that), I'm just so, so done and I wouldn't be able to write anything coherent. Isaac is generally sleeping much better and staying in his room all night. Lucy... well, so either makes her way into our bed at 11, 1, 3 or some other random time. Sleeping in our house isn't smooth yet, but it's getting there. It's a long road.

I'm just going to sit here on the couch a little longer while the instant pot cooks dinner, the snow gently falls, and I sneakily eat stolen kids Halloween candy. nom nom nom...