Friday, 20 September 2019

We rode the TRAIN!

Yesterday was an auspicious day. First off, we all had a chance to ride the LRT.
Then we all had a chance to play on the teeter totters that light up and make music downtown.
Then it was date night at daycare (they took Lucy and Isaac).
Laura, Alice, and I enjoyed some food and drinks on a patio.

Then we rode the train again.

It was a low traffic time, going against the rush hour crowd. But... it was as fast and quiet as I hoped that it would be. I'm actually really happy about the train. (I'm not enthusiastic about the tunnel for us to get to the train, but...). I'm just hoping that it will continue to work and people in the city will start to really get a feel for fast, clean, non-bus public traffic. It's lovely.

Monday, 16 September 2019

Mixed feelings

Today was the first work day that the LRT opened. Fine-freaking-aly. We have not ridden it yet, but I'm sure that we'll have more than enough chances this winter. I'm excited to, but not actually going to skip a day of biking to ride it if I don't have to. Some co-workers rode it at lunch 1 stop for fun. Me, that'd cost like $3.45 so I'll wait until I have more time to do it better.

I love biking, I really do. At first it was just because it was fast, cheap, and convenient. Then because it made me feel so much happier with the little bit of exercise. Now as it seems like the world is heading towards climate disaster and it's starting to feel... required. It's something that we can do.

Then I think about what we can do more. Smaller car, use it even less. Then I think about my folks who I love very much driving around in their huge Dodge Ram 2500 truck where the hood comes up to my arm pit. Why do they need a big truck like that? Well, for hauling a 5th wheel like 2-3 times a year. A 5th wheel that's pretty much a second house that they drag around with A/C, satellite tv, etc. Honestly it just makes me a bit sad.

Thinking about these things makes me feel so helpless sometimes. But it helps, for a bit, to go ride my bicycle.

Saturday, 7 September 2019

Achievement Unlocked: Biking with an Umbrella

I went slow, it was fine. My thighs were wet, but that's more to do with it pouring and it was windy. But I went really slow and got home eventually.

Oh, and it was at night too.