Sunday, 7 February 2021

COVID - almost been a year

Around this time last year we had been hearing of COVID. I didn't realize at the time how much it would change everything.

It's been hard.

With the kids back in school after an extended Christmas holiday and doing "virtual" school at that time, my work at home came to a slamming stop. Being constantly interrupted lead to context switching hell. Even after they went back to school (1 week so far) I kept on checking over my shoulder expecting to be interrupted... but no one else was home. It feels like some kind of PTSD.

The kids are doing reasonably well. I am a bit worried about new variants coming up with no studies being even started for kids our age. At this point I'm not expecting to have a chance to get a vaccine for myself before September and it wouldn't surprise me if I didn't have a chance until Christmas. I'm feeling a bit bummed out right now because this could easily go on for another year, despite having a vaccine.

I feel lucky with what we do have. But I'm still worried and stressed.

At least the days are getting longer now and there's some sunlight.