Tuesday, 12 October 2004

Picket lines

On my way in to work today I was wondering why the buses were super slow. I thought it was just a little different than normal. Nope, it's because there's a strike on. Some people I know were tied up in the picket lines for 5, 10, or 15 minutes. Aleks was there for 30. I sort of pushed past them on a side entrance when they were looking the other way and when they stepped in my way I just walked around them. I was snuffly and in no mood to get stuck outside talking to people bitching about getting more pay.

When they tell you about "having to stick together for solidarity", it just feels hollow when you receive none of the same benefits that they do. I am sure that I would feel differently if I was an employee, but I'm not, so I don't.


  1. There were picketers outside my building too, but thankfully not that many. Plus the building is shared-space so they can't really block people for trying to cross the line.
    As far as the whole strike situation, I really have no sympathy for the unions. At the end of the day, there are always more people willing to step up and work government jobs for less cash, and its not exactly like they're getting paid peanuts or anything right now either..

  2. Our building is shared space too, but that didn't really stop the union people from blocking people coming in. I think that tomorrow I'll just say that I am not a gov't employee and I do not work for the gov't (directly). Both are technically true. ;-P
    Some people just waited till Holt Renfrew opened (9:30) and went through that entrance.
