Sunday, 12 February 2006

Uphill is harder than it looks

A couple of people invited us to go cross country skiing in gatineau park. I've just recently gotten skis. So this is the second time in 8 years (the other was a couple of weeks ago) that I have gone out skiing. We kept it to 10 km 'cause I didn't know if I could handle going 20. I probably could have, but it's best to "ease" into this kind of thing.

I took a couple of pictures, but it's hard to take pictures when you are trying to keep up with the group. If anyone is interested, we started from parking lot P16 where at the start there is "a bit of a hill". Holy freaking crap. The biggest hill I had x-country skied before that was the septic hill at my parents house. I was sliding backwards having a tough time. I got passed by a guy going up pulling his kid.

Anyways, after a while I figured out things better. I still was slipping a lot but it's all good. It's really nice there, but the 6 $ / person is a little high to be going all the time. Especially when we can just cross the street and ski along the rideau river. Not quite as nice, but the drive is shorter. ;-)


  1. As hard as uphill is on cross country skis, downhill can be even harder, depending on how steep the hill is.

  2. We did that... had to get back to the car somehow. ;-)
    The "snowplough" is our friend. ;-)

  3. After seeing your skating skills, I can visualize your difficulty going up a hill.

  4. Maybe Jim is not ninja, but he can kick our asses in running long distances. You go girl, I mean you go Jim.
