Sunday, 28 May 2006

T minus 363 d

We just passed our negitive one year anniversary. Weee!! Needless to say, wedding planning is on our minds. I just find it so weird though... some of the traditions of a "typical" wedding don't feel applicable to us. I guess we're part of the "new norm" of couples living together for a couple of years before tying the knot.

Examples? Well, like not seeing the bride before (or on) the wedding day. Or picking out gift suggestions for "our new life" together when we've already bought everything that we need or use for day to day. What about invitation's? Most communication I have about parties is done with email or by phone. What's so bad about sending out an e-invite for people to come? *sigh* I think that I just don't get it. I know it's a very important day, but sometimes I feel that we're asking the barber if we need a haircut: they'll always say yes.

1 comment:

  1. and wedding over msn messenger:
    judas_priest129: do u jim s. take this woman to be your wifie
    jimsellers: yes :)
    judas_priest129: do u laura k. take this man to be your husband
    laurakluver: yes :(
    judas_priest129: ok ur married, you now may virtually make out :D
