Saturday, 17 June 2006

Blue sky

When Laura and I were travelling last summer in Spain and Portugal, after a couple of weeks something was bothering me. Something that I couldn't put my finger on, but just had a feeling that something wasn't quite right. How could something be wrong when the weather was sunny and gorgeous all the time?

After this feeling building up for 3 weeks I was able to figure it out: it wasn't ever cloudy. Ya, sometimes there were wisps of clouds, but it was always sunny and blue sky. Not that I want clouds and freaky weather, but that's what I am used to. Two days of clear weather in Canada is nice but rare. You can usually see big clouds at some point even if it's not going to rain.

I felt comforted when we got to San Sebastian and it was cloudy and cool. That was the first time we had to use our wind breakers in like 3 weeks.

I would never have thought that I would have gotten freaked out my nice weather, but I did. In another post I'll discuss about the food... ;-)


  1. When I was working in southern France, same thing. I was there for about 100 days and it rained during half of two of them. Otherwise it was 99% sunny during that summer ... and it drove me mental.
    Apparently the winters there are different though, a bit more rainy and temperatures around 10C. *sigh*

  2. I'm glad that someone else felt that way too... I thought that I was a bit of a freak for feeling that way.
