Tuesday, 3 October 2006

My employer sucks

Ya, you read that correctly. My employer sucks. The working relationship is good enough, but some things just annoy me. Examples you ask? Well, I never get paid on time. Usually a couple of days late. Worst part of that? Laura has to remind the person that does payroll to cut a cheque. :-( Really it makes sense if you ever see the desk of the guy that writes the cheques... a complete mess piled high with letters, forms, contracts and other documents to be filled.

*sigh* It feels good to complain. Doesn't fix it though. It's just some of the problems that goes along with being self employed. :-P

Now, if you don't mind, I've got to go cut a cheque 'cause Laura's reminded me (again) and then clean up my desk. It's a mess...

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