Saturday, 30 December 2006

5 Things you probably donít know about me

I was tagged by Ryan.

1) I often think "backwards". My sentences often come out like "I put the kitchen in the potatoes". I have to translate in my head for it to make sense. This is extra hard when I am tired.

2) Some things that I find comforting are a warm drink, a moderate disorder (ie mess) in the room that I am in, and a warm blanket. All 3 at once are best.

3) In Canada the farthest east I have been is Quebec City and the farthest west is Sudbury area. I'm looking to change that.

4) I find that I bob along in life on a good dose of luck and fortunate circumstance. If I don't "push", things just seem to work out for the better. That thought feeds my laziness.

5) Even though I love traveling and would like to do a lot more, I don't travel well. The night before I don't really sleep because of anxiety. Not sure why, just general stress. I get this even when going to the cottage. That's why I find weekend trips so stressful: in 3 nights I don't sleep 2. Then the grumpyness sets in. ;-P

I tag Kibbee. ;-)

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