Thursday, 11 January 2007


Oh, so happy now. My friend's wife was able to pick me up a Wii. She just paid someone else who was waiting in line but not going to get one for herself 20 $ (breakfast) to get an extra. So worth it!

I already had an extra wiimote and a game, but no second nunchuk. Those are hard to find. I'll find it and then Laura and I will be able to box. ;-)

One of the coolest things is to make a mii and play against someone else with a character that looks like you... Pretty neat. ;-)


  1. I guess $20 is a small extra fii to pay to be happii!

  2. Charlotte said she wiilly wants to try out the Wii. I think you should invite her over to play. You wouldn't want to make her cry :P

  3. Oie, oie, oie... both of you!
