Wednesday, 28 November 2007

People never stop amazing me...

This clip is awesome. Just when you think that people can't get dumber, they surprise you.

Wow. I don't feel so bad about my poor spelling now...

1 comment:

  1. I saw that whole "I thought Europe was a country" thing on the commercials, but now that I've seen the whole clip, it's even funnier. Here's a blog post I made a while back that shows some other prime examples of how dumb people really are, although this one tops any of my examples
    I could give her a little slack for not knowing that Budapest is the capital of Hungary, it was actually pretty difficult. However, all the comments she made just made her look even dumber than anyone could have ever expected.
    Did I mention I love the jokes that Jeff Foxworthy makes. He's supposed to be some dumb redneck, or so his persona goes, but I'm pretty sure he's actually a smart guy, and gets quite a few laughs from the people on his show.
