Monday, 11 August 2008

An unexpected extra hour of biking

Today I was pulling into work when I realized that I had left my bike lock at home. Unhappy words followed. I biked over to the sporting goods store to see if I could buy a new lock, but they were not going to open for another hour. More unhappy words followed.

So I turned my bike and went home.

I came back to work, but I really didn't want to. I'd much rather have stayed at home, but you can't have everything I guess.

I often think of working from home, but then I think that I'll miss bike commuting. Yes, I said that I would miss commuting. Crazy, but when it's fun that makes all the difference. It's even fun in the rain (sans lightening).


  1. Seems like the trendy thing to do, is to have 2 locks, and leave one at work, and just leave it there locked to the bike rack overnight. That way you can't forget it, and you don't have to worry about lugging around an extra 5 lbs. of steel. I don't do this, but guessing by the number of locks you see just sitting empty on bike racks, it's my best guess as to what's going on.

  2. I think that people who leave their lock on the rack come into work one day in the fall to discover that the city has put away the bike rack for the winter. And I don't think that they put the racks back into the same place in the spring, so your lock could be anywhere in the city.
    *That's* why I think that there are so many locks on the racks. Even when the racks are full there are the same number of empty locks.
    I'd rather just keep my lock with me and be able to lock up anywhere.
