Saturday, 7 February 2009

Fat equals flavour

I've been making richer food lately. A lot of the recipes can be fairly simple to prepare - as long as you avoid the super anal, perfectionist recipes. I find that I'll read a handful of recipes for the same dish and pick and choose from those because there is many ways to skin a cat (I won't try that recipe again!).

The one bad thing about simple, tasty food is that it can tend to be high in fat, sugar, or both. I can see myself becoming like 300 lb if I'm not careful. For me I think that it'll be a 2 fold trick to not becoming like that 1) kept active 2) as fat / sugar content goes up, size of portion goes down.

This morning I had to make some crËme br˚lÈe which meant that I had some leftover egg whites. So I decided to make a souffle with the leftovers. Too much souffle for 2 people. Ugg. Too much, too heavy (butter, cream, cheese, ...). I didn't follow the second rule and I felt that it took away from the experience. I knew better, but my sense of proportion gets skewed when I am hungry.

Ah well. I'll have to keep those rules in mind. Now off to make some lasagna. ;-)

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