Monday, 13 April 2009

I don't know how to express my anger at the use of flash

I get so freaking frustrated when sites provide content in flash. At best it's clunklier than html, at worse it's unusable. If you're providing data in tables, paragraphs, etc how much more difficult is it to provide it in html??? It means that your tables are so squished because of the data jammed into them I can't make out what value belongs to which column. I can't open features in new tabs, and how sections of their site seem to just hang.

I'm looking at you mazda.

There are places were it's great to use flash (360 degree views), but just because you've got a hammer doesn't mean that everything is a nail. :-(

It would be wonderful if every public facing website had to go through usability testing, and you know, heed the advice. For every flash developer, they should also be made to use their own app on a 28.8 connection while blindfolded and being gnawed on by wild badgers. The last part serves no technical advantage, I just hate the flash that has spewed across the intertubes and feel that someone should incur my wrath.

1 comment:

  1. Flash is only good for 1 thing. Homestar Runner. That's it. Only good use of flash I've ever seen. I have flashblock installed on all the computers I use. Best firefox plugin next to web developer. Anyway, I also despise flash. Sometimes you can let it slide when it's a local burger chain (, but a multi national car company? Just make your site it HTML. Seriously it's not that hard, and more people will like your site.
