Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Why bus tickets are getting bigger

I finally figured out why the oc transpo bus tickets are getting bigger and bigger - it's so that you feel you're getting your money's worth as they keep on increasing the cost. Pretty soon one ticket will be A4 size. An express ticket? It'll be poster size. Please don't ask about a rural ticket...

1 comment:

  1. Haha... I think your right.
    I also think they made the tickets larger so they could have 6 tickets per sheet instead of 10 tickets per sheet. Now when you ask for a sheet of tickets, it ALMOST seems like it costs less than before... but that's because there are 4 less tickets!
    Eventually people will just stop taking the bus. Not the people that HAVE to take the bus (no other reasonable means of transportation available to them), but those with options.
    The more OC Transpo increases their tickets, the "fringe" people will stop taking public transit. If the cost of a bus pass or tickets hits the point where a parking pass is the same or less... more people will drive.
    If people have to pay $100 for a regular adult buss pass (already $84.75), that will just prompt more people to walk/bike in warm weather.
    OC Transpo isn't a bad service... they're just pricing themselves out of the market. The value is dropping every price increase, with no increase in quality.
    Next time OC Transpo contracts come up for renewal... cancel them. Let private companies bid for the contracts and see what happens to the price of transit.
