Saturday, 11 September 2010

Depth of Field

With the recent new addition to our lens family, I started to play around with setting the aperture to play with depth of field (DoF). I took a couple of sample images with the new lens out our front window.

At F 1.8. Most open, shortest depth of field. Also the fastest exposure time because the most amount of light is entering the camera.
f / 1.8

At F 2.8. Might be good for short depth of field portrait were you want the whole person in focus.
f / 2.8

At F 8.0. Widens up the DoF with some slight blurring.
f / 8.0

At F 22.0. Longest DoF, smallest aperture, which also means the longest exposure which could introduce camera shake.
f / 22.0

In hindsight with this experiment, I made a poor choice of subject. I should have chosen something that had more objects along a whole focal range. But I couldn't help it, I was just so excited to play with my new toy.

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