Thursday, 30 December 2010

Christmas of my dreams - from when I was 7

Sometimes I feel guilty about my wedding vows - I felt that I bent the truth and am not living up to what was said. Specifically 1 Corinthians 13:11. I feel guilty, but not guilty enough to put away childish things.

When I was a kid I always wanted lego for Christmas. At some point the question "aren't you too old for that?" started to get asked more and more. Sadly gifts shifted from toys to clothes and other odds and ends. This year when Laura would ask what I'd like, I'd just say "star wars lego". It's not that I was trying to be a pain, I just didn't really have any other ideas.

I thought that I'd get maybe one fun toy, but no, I got a ton. Even my mom and dad got me lego this year. Crazy.

So, in interest of completeness I'll list what I got:
8017 Darth Vader's TIE Fighter
8039 Venator-class Republic Attack Cruiser
8088 ARC-170 Starfighter
8036 Separatist Shuttle (but I think that I'm going to trade it to my 7 year old nephew and get Y-Wing instead)
a 7" (?) lego man with flashlights in his feet
2 star wars cookbooks (yes, you read that right)

I'm pretty sure most of the gifts that I received this year could easily have been for a 7 year old. In fact, I'm pretty sure this is what I was dreaming about when I was 7. I just had to wait a couple of decades.

My co-worker today was relaying a story about how he was speaking last night to his wife where he was telling me about all my star wars lego stuff. His 6 year old has the same interests as I do and overheard them speaking. The 6 year old then asked "what grade is [Jim] in?". Ya... grade...

If immortality is being forever young, then I think that I've found it, of a sort.

Update: I forgot some other star wars / lego related gifts like a "Obi Wan clone wars lightstaber" which lights up and make sounds when its waved around or hits something, Lego Harry Potter for the PS3, and of course Creationary which we played last night and is awesome. ;-)


  1. We just got our oldest her first real Lego set for Christmas. She enjoys it quite a bit. Definitely one of those universal toys that just about every kid likes. Although I have to say, I disappointed with all the themed Legos. I think more open ended boxes of basic blocks allow for much more creativity.

  2. They have those too. You can even buy "loose" pieces on or other companies. I think that lego even allows you to design something (using a flash designer) and then click a "send me all the pieces" button. Pretty cool stuff.
    As soon as you mix 2 themes together, you start getting lots of possibilities.

  3. Yeah, we got a "Big Box O' Legos" for her. It had a bunch of basic pieces, a couple of people, a horse, some wheels, and basic house pieces. Also came in a nice case. If you're interested here's a link (
