Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Kick in the ...

Today is the first day that I can actually say that I've felt our baby girl that we're expecting at the end of November kick / punch. To say that I'm excited and scared would be an understatement - if she can kick like that when she's 300g, what will she do when she's 13 kg.

Someone today asked if I felt "ready". I laughed. I'm not sure that anyone can ever be "ready" to have a baby, not really anyways. I can say that I'm ready to have everything turned upside down. I was once told that what I don't know would fill libraries. This new chapter in our lives will make one of those libraries a tiny bit smaller, and hopefully I won't screw up too bad. When it all comes down to it, I think that's every parent's prayer.

So baby, if one day you're reading this on your neural interfaced holographic augmented reality, please forgive the mistakes that I've done.

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