Monday, 3 October 2011

"Are you happy that it's a girl?"

It's funny the questions that ask you when they find out that you're going to have a girl. Probably the most common is "Are you happy that it's going to be a girl?". Such a dumb ass question. I usually response with "No, not really. I was really hoping for a boy" just to see how they react. Of course I'm ecstatic that we're having a baby. It seems like such a useless question to me, like "Do you like breathing air?".

On the weekend I had a funny reaction where a woman thought that I was serious and said something like "well then..." and got up and walked away. I'm not my fault that when they asked an idiotic question and I replied likewise but with a straight face and they didn't get it. Should I feel bad about the interaction? Maybe. But I'm just so tired of the question.


  1. Tell them you were hoping for a baby llama.
    Or just that you wanted a boy to share in the urinal experience when they grow up.
    All kidding aside, girls can play Lego too.

  2. Yeah, I got that a lot the first time. Then with the second girl got it even more. Then when the third one was a boy, I got those "are you glad you finally got your boy" comments. I really wouldn't have cared if they had all been girls, as long as they were all healthy. That's what really matters.
