Monday, 2 January 2012

Twenty twelve

Well, we're done with twenty eleven. This year (and every year after...) is going to be dominated I think by Alice's achievements. Right now we're looking at things like "holding head up" and "shit blowout of all 3 holes of a diaper (legs and waist)". You know, the important milestones. Hopefully 2012 will include things like first steps and coming up with a grand unified theory - no pressure.

The idea that we are caring for a new person that depends totally on us seems surreal, but somehow natural. It doesn't feel too scary while we're "in it". It's only when I start to think about it that I freak out inside. Hopefully most people can't tell. It's reassuring that people have been able to raise kids since forever and not do too badly a job. It sets that bar nice and low.

Having said that, I'm aiming for the stars.

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