Thursday, 24 May 2012

Milestones - 6 months or 5 years

Today Alice is six months old. I didn't think that I'd be counting half birthdays, but I am. I feel like we should have some cake or something for, well, us, to celebrate. It's not been the most difficult 6 months compared to talking to other parents, but I feel that we've accomplished something. And we are still sane. Well, as sane as before, which isn't saying too much. But it's something.

We are also coming up on our fifth anniversary. I find it hard to believe that it's been that long. Time has just flew by. Unlike with the baby, I don't really feel a sense of accomplishment - it has not felt like work. Marriage (for me) has felt more like breathing. Natural. Rhythmic. Hard to imagine anything else.

I guess that means that it was the right thing to have done. At least that's what my wife tells me to say. :-P

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