Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Joss Whedon Is My Master (for some time) Now

The title of this post is of course inspired by the pvp comic and then the t-shirt. I find it easy to love Joss's work, although there is always that point where he kills a character you've been made to love. Curse your sudden but inevitable tugging at my heart strings!

We saw The Avengers the other day while my in-laws helpfully babysat. There are probably be spoilers from here on, so if you have not see the movie or at least the trailers, don't blame me if you feel things are spoiled (hence the name "spoilers").

Of course it was awesome. Laura's complaint was that there was perhaps too much action. That's sort of like saying there was too much dessert or world peace. It doesn't really make sense. We saw it in 3D and I felt sort of nauseous by the end. I'm not sure if it was due to the 3D, the pounding sound, the blur at 24fps or what. There was a ton of laughs both on screen and off. Like when the flying prehistoric sandworm of death was attacking Manhattan, Laura leans over to me and starts to sing softly in my ear the music from the Neverending Story. I should have worn an adult diaper for that moment alone. Good times.

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