Something that I find interesting about having a baby is how well she is at communicating, and how bad we are at actually understanding her. From early on she had different cries. The "I'm wet" started as an "Excuse me sir, I've seemed to have soiled myself" with reminders increasing over time. The hungry cry wasn't as fun because it was a constant "Feed me NOOOOOWWWWWWW!!!".
Now just over 8 months she's communicating physically as well. Sitting up and waving her arms when she wants to be picked up. Smiling and otherwise being cute when she's trying to get something (food usually). Different sounds / cries for different things of course. In addition to that she can anticipate what we are about to do and protest when we start to do it. Like if we are walking over to her exersaucer or crib or to play on the floor and that's not what she wants she clearly lets us know. For some reason when she wants to be changed she desperately wants to be held by her mom. Good baby.
We don't always pick up the signs right away. Sometimes because the meaning changes, sometimes because we're sleepy or just not in the right head space. Those times our baby looks frustrated. I'm sure she's thinking "How can these giants not understand me? They must be really slow!". I'm sure that's the root of "stupid giants" in old fables and not so old ones like Harry Potter. A subconscious memory from when we were babies and were having troubles training our own giants. It's funny: when you'd think that she's learning the most she's also having the most challenging time teaching.
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