Thursday, 6 September 2012

Fun fun

I've only been back at work for a couple of weeks and changes with Alice seem like they are accelerating. Luckily I get updates, including pictures, of what's going on at home. She can now stand up by herself without pulling herself up. All she needs is a wall or something similar. It's only a matter of time before she figures out that she doesn't need a wall. A tooth has also come in, as evidence by the scrape marks on the end of the crib. I think that she's starting to understand waving, which is pretty cool.

The other day we were looking at photos from her birth and it almost seems inconceivable that she was so small. Each stage seems so exciting with "quickly! Come see what she can do!". I can't wait until I can sit down with her and we can play imagination together - like tea time or using a time machine / space ship.

She is a really good kid (so far) and doesn't get into too much trouble. She's patient with us when we're preparing her food, as long as it's clear that we've understood her request. It's really good. I'm a bit sad every day when I leave to go to work, but it's getting easier. Both of my girls are making it easier. Now if I can just get Laura to greet me with a drink and my bubble pipe when I get home...


1 comment:

  1. Yes. She screams very patiently at us while we make her food ;)
