Sunday, 14 October 2012

Points of interest

Looking at the last bunch of posts have all been about my new family. I have not blogged about work or tech for quite a while. I could talk about the cool stuff we're doing at work like finally moving from JEE 1.4 to JEE 6. How we're going to jump 2 major versions of java. How we are abandoning our planned migration to svn and just go straight to git. Or I could talk about biking and my routes to work. The construction in our area. Or our need to get a second vehicle which will most likely be a van. I could talk about my interest in photography and the different techniques that I've been trying. I could talk about the works of fiction that I've been reading - sometimes a couple of books a week. The likes of Redshirts, World War Z, The Big Bang Bundle, the the Humble eBook Bundle, or the first 2 books of The Kingkiller Chronicle (excellent books).

Like I said. I could blog about those. But I use this blog for the things that bounce around in my head. The things that occupy my in-between moments like brushing my teeth, standing in line to order coffee, or making dinner. And for the most part that's family.

Our family.

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