Sunday, 4 November 2012

Need vs Want

It's weird struggling with a simple concept: need vs want. And not just physical consumer stuff either, but like "Do I need to be a better photographer, or just want it?" Once you figure out need vs want you can prioritize all kinds of things. "Do I need that second cookie, or just want it?".

The hard part is that "need" is usually stuff that you don't want to do, like change the car into snow tires or do the dishes, while "want" is something fun or interesting like reading a good book. Well, those are examples for me. Maybe you're really into changing tires. I'm not.

I find it difficult to categorize tasks or stuff because, if you're being honest with yourself, you realize that a lot of stuff that you were planning on doing was just a "want" and has now taken a back seat to the needs. Which sucks. No one wants to spend their time doing unfun stuff. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go read my book about spaceships.

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