Monday, 11 February 2013

Camouflage for my not-so-inner child

After years of having adults asking "Are you here with your child?" and holding their kids closer when you say no, I finally can get into the cool things. Most people without kids don't know this, but the coolest parts of parks or museums usually have age restrictions. Sometimes I'm old enough and it's not for kids, sometimes I'll too old because it's geared for "shorter" people. Bah. But now I have a secret pass - I have my own short person! No more people slowly pulling out their phones and dialing 9-1 while their finger hovers over the last 1. No more disappointment because it would be "inappropriate" to go down the slide by myself. I can finally do it.
Me and my little person

To be honest it's not really held me back too much in the past. Carp eh museum or something like that. I think that's Latin for "seize the museum". Sometimes if you see a famous tug boat you just gotta get in the picture.
Other times when you have the chance to get a picture of yourself while inside a penguin enclosure you just gotta get it. That's just not something that happens to everyone. Aside: this is actually where a woman asked where my son... daughter... who are you with? comments come from. She really did pull her daughter closer to her. Looking at my crazy eyes in that picture, I can sort of understand.
I swear there were penguins... I was just under dressed for the occasion

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