Monday, 22 April 2013

About an hour

For picking up Alice from daycare, we've been trying different ways depending on car need and now, weather. The listings below are from my work to home.
  • If I walk to Laura's work, take the car and crawl through stop and go traffic? It takes about an hour.
  • If I walk to the bus, take the bus to a transit hub, get onto a local bus, pickup Alice, get on another bus to take us back to our stop (which I passed after taking the local bus), then then walk home? Provided I catch the connections in a reasonable amount of time? A bit over an hour. Maybe an 1.25 hours.
  • If I change into my bike clothes, bike home, change back into my street clothes (no one wants to talk to someone wearing bike shorts), get into the car, drive over to pick up Alice and then drive home? About an hour.
I assume at this point if I somehow had access to the floo network it would still take me about an hour.

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