Monday, 6 May 2013

Surprising abilities

I guess things move in leaps and bounds sometimes. Today after I brought Alice home via bike trailer (a first), we hung outside for a bit. She climbed up on a patio chair which isn't a low chair. I thought "wow" and took a picture. Then we went inside and I let her loose while I rested on the floor. She then climbed up on the couch which she's never been able to do before. I thought "wow" and took a picture. Then after having dinner I let her walk around. She headed to the basement stairs and went down a step on her bum. I thought "wow" but I didn't take a picture. You know, it was only 1 stair after all. Then she came up and walked around for a bit more. Then she went down the 3 stairs to the landing and started to head down the others. That time I came over to make sure she didn't take a tumble. She proceeded to go down the rest of the stairs by alternating planking and sliding down a single step. By half way down she was laughing with each step. Perhaps not the best technique, but who am I to argue?

The thing that gets me is that she's not being super proud about these things. It's like she's always been able to do them. I guess I just never got the memo.

Hea row?
A controller makes an excellent telephone

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