Tuesday, 23 July 2013

The gritty truth about biking in the rain

I like biking. I'll even bike when I've got a good chance of getting caught in the rain. The rain isn't so bad, just wet. There are a couple of things that I don't like about biking in the rain.
  1. The rain seems to drain stinging salts into my eyes. The other day coming home I had to keep an eye closed it stung so much. Maybe I have to do a much better job at getting the shampoo out of my hair?
  2. The grit. I hate it. My shoes or sandals get gritty. My gear gets gritty. My bike seems like it has a sandpaper finish and it seems to take off any lube from the chain. It's gross.
Is it weird that I'd be okay with being soaked if I wasn't gritty? Maybe. But then at least I wouldn't be reminded quite so much how dirty I am. Ah well. Showers at the end of the day washes it all away.

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