Sunday, 17 November 2013

More and more a little person

Every day Alice becomes more and more of a little person. Someone that perhaps is a pain to deal with sometimes, but most of the time wonderful. We can discuss things. I can explain that she can't do something, or I can explain steps that need to be taken.

Examples always help. The other day she was taking apart a stack of laundry baskets to get to her favourite. I asked what she was doing and she replied along the lines of "rocket-ship daddy", which is where she sits in the basket and I lift her up and make rocket noises... fun for all, if tiring. Well, I didn't want to do rocket-ship where she was unstacking the baskets, so I asked her to take it into the living room and make sure she restacks the baskets. If she did that, then I'd play rocket ship. So, she carried the favourite basket into the living room, came back and restacked the baskets, then proceeded back to the original basket to await her ride. She understood.

All the time she's getting more fun. It's nice now that I can explain the less-fun tasks that need to be taken care before the fun starts again.

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