Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Simplicity of the Star

At work they had a cube decorating "contest". I put up a single decoration and wrote a sign explaining it. I hope that I'll win.

And they came upon the cube seeking the decorations and they despaired because they could not find them. And lo, Jim appeared before them and told them to fear not, for a star adorned it.

But they could not see the star and grew afraid. To which Jim replied that to see the star of the holidays they only had to look for where stars are – in the heavens. So they looked up and were all like “but I still can’t see it” and Jim was like “it’s up there… no, to the left… my left… it’s on the light. Just look at the light.”

And they rejoiced at the tiny red sparkly star which symbolized everything that a tiny red sparkly star stood for.

With the joy of the holidays filling their hearts (which grew 3 sizes that day), they went on to vote for Jim’s cube in the decorating contest because they knew that was the right thing to do.

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