Wednesday, 30 April 2014

I am not Sheldon Cooper

I find it funny when you learn how people see you through what they think that you will like. For instance, some people tell me all about a train expo, or recommend books where the main protagonist is autistic, or just generally assume that I'm brilliant. I'm not. Trust me on this one. I am not Sheldon Cooper. I'm just trying to fake average intelligence and most days I struggle with that.

Yes, I might have some trouble socially sometimes. I mess up my words and have trouble with names. A lot of those issues I think are related to dealing with headaches and being on the introvert side of things. But I wouldn't write me off.

Perhaps it's my fault and how I portray myself in different situations. Like on facebook, I usually post things to do with lego, star wars, or other nerd like stuff. Stuff that interests me. But those aren't the only thing that interest me. I've just chosen that medium for those interests.

It makes me a bit sad because I learn that people know me less than I think they do. Ah well. The most important people know me. The real me.

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