Sunday, 16 November 2014

He loves his sister

It gets me how much abuse Alice piles on Isaac. He doesn't complain, doesn't yell. He smiles and laughs. He loves her so much it's not even funny. And she loves him, but it's hard when someone else takes up time that you used to have 100% to yourself. It is how things are. 

Somehow today he stayed asleep in the side-by-side stroller while she totally melted down and at one point dug her elbow into his face to sit higher in her seat. Later in the evening I think that she was trying to crush his body with hers and he was laughing and laughing... He might have been really tired, but still. The unconditional love is amazing. I'm sure it won't be just as pure forever, but I can hope it holds out for a while. I just hope he remembers it when he tries to crush her via steamrolling. It would only be fair. 

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