Monday, 5 January 2015

The cost of karma

Yesterday while waiting at the airports cell phone lot to pick up my brother someone asked if I had any jumper cables. After double checking, yes I did and I'm sure my brother didn't mind waiting a little. The man offered to pay for my parking ticket that I'd need to get to drive to him. 

So, I found the guy, and after a couple of minutes I got him started. At that point I refused to let the guy pay for the ticket because he had enough trouble. In the end the ticket didn't cost me anything, probably because I had been in the pay lot less than 15 minutes. 

Is this me being super nice? Not really. It's me paying back in a tiny tiny way all those random strangers (and friends and family!) that have helped me out when I really needed it. Usually a helping hand costs the person offering it almost nothing nothing but is invaluable to the one receiving it. 

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