Sunday, 8 November 2015

Contemplating the unthinkable

I'm debating about doing something that I'd never thought that I'd do. I'm thinking about going on a trip without a "real" camera. Just our phones.

I feel so unclean.

We're going to an amusement park with 2 small children. I don't expect that there will be anything that I'm really going to want a big camera for. Maybe with an exception of a possible trip to a aquarium, but our dslr doesn't do very well in low light. I've already got a lot of blurry pictures in aquariums.

Now, having said that, my phone's camera is pretty awesome. If you're just counting megapixes, then it has 2 more than our dslr. It does pretty well in low light too. Oh, HDR, slow-mo, etc. Our dslr only takes awesome pictures. Who needs that?

I love taking great photos that I'm proud of. It just becomes a decision of weight / bulk / durability vs being able to do stuff with the kids. Maybe that means for the next camera I should be focusing (pun intended) on a smaller camera. :-/

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