Tuesday, 5 January 2016

I don't feel geeky enough

Some days I don't feel geeky enough. People at work talk about the stuff they do on "side projects", or how they are building things with a raspberry pi. But what do I want to do? Read books, watch movies, play with my kids, go for adventures with Laura.

Should I be trying to build more things for the sake of building them? I'd rather things just work with minimal involvement from me so I could go on a bike ride. Or a ski. Or build a snowman. Is that wrong? Should I be playing around with more stuff? I feel like I'm not keeping up with the Jones. But then I'm like screw the Jones's, I'm going to have some cake and fancy tea then then go look at the stars.

I guess I know my answer. I'm me, and I like building things to have a finished product. The focus for me isn't the journey, it's the destination with the fancy drink with an umbrella and some fruit in it.

Do you want to build a snowman?

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