Thursday, 1 September 2016

Balancing the risk

Today was the last day of daycare for the kids and work for me. We're off now.

The day started off like most, but today it was tragic. When we had almost gotten to the river Laura texted me that a cyclist had died. This is at the intersection that I turn with the kids twice a day. An intersection that someone had run a red yesterday.

It's horrible.

I debated a bunch if I was going to say anything to the kids. About the time we got to the canal I told them. They don't really understand death, but I wanted to explain. I wanted them to know why we were changing our route, why the road was closed, why the police. I wanted them to know why I was upset.

My bike rides with the kids are my favourite part of the day. How often on a normal commute with people do they stop and watch a swan? Or count ducks? Or exchange waves with strangers on a tourist boat? Or talk about all the colours of the things that they can see. I love my ride with them. I feel, I hope, that I'm being safe enough.

But that woman today probably felt she was being safe too.

I'm angry. I'm upset. I'm sad.

I'm worried.

Roads shouldn't be a danger like this. This isn't right. This needs to be fixed.

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