Thursday, 6 October 2016

I love my family

Well, I guess the title says it all. I can stop writing.

But I won't.

Alice is so bright and proud of doing a good job. She constantly comes home with filled out sticker charts and items from the prize box. We asked why she's good all the time at school and she told us that they'd call her parents if she was bad. When we pointed out that we are her parents and would like her to be good at home too, she shrugged. Maybe we'll have to call Mr. Scott. The other day her teacher gave her grade 1 work and she did it and she was ever so proud. Beaming. I sent an email to her teacher thanking him for giving her the challenge.

Isaac is also bright, gifted in sports, and is a super cuddler. He doesn't just like kicking a ball - that would be too boring. He likes throwing it at the ground and kicking it at the first bounce. Today he did that with a large bouncy ball, kicked it straight up, then caught it, and then laughed and laughed. I think that he's already more gifted at soccer, and well, any team sport, than I am.

Lucy? Well, she's starting to show us who she is. Right now she's sleeping more than Isaac. She gives the best smiles, even when things are not perfect. If you just put her on the change table, even when she's still wet and uncomfortable, she beams. She's fuzzy and has her siblings talent for cuddles.

Laura is simply the best. She knows how my brain works better than I do and helps me muddle through life. I'd like to think that I help her too - finding keys, lost shoes, and where we put the kids. I could fill libraries while writing how lovely Laura is.

It's a good family. I think that I'll keep it.

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