Sunday, 6 July 2003

Amélie in the house

I have finally gotten to write more here. Wow. This last week has been really nuts. My sleep schedule has been changing +-6 hours all week, and it has been really harsh. I blame it on Canada Day. That and me being really dumb and getting up at 6 am then staying out till 5 when I am exhausted to start with. Who'da thunk?

I finally got a copy of Amélie. I loved this movie. The story was really cute, and it was done very well. Now all that I have to do is get around to watching it again. That and my Harry Potter which I have really not touched in over a week.

There are several things that I wanted to complain / comment on, including the bus system here and some places downtown, but I don't think that anyone wants to hear about that... yet. ;-)

One very amusing thing that I read on Ryan's blog was some fun with google, which has since been mentioned on Peter and Forward's sites. Ah, inter-blog linkage. Gotta love it.
London Symphony Orchestra - The Sorcerer's Apprentice


  1. *cough*I had it first*cough*.
    Actually, I came across it at [url=]Peter Provost's[/url] (of XP / TDD fame) site while I was at work.

  2. hee hee... sorry about that man. I wrote about them in the order that I saw them. ;-)

  3. Heh, I had nothing to do with any of it. :)
