Monday, 28 July 2003

Far too long

It has been far too long since I have last done an update. And for some reason the text from my entry is not showing up. I really do not know why. But I should have been more on top of things. Ah well.

They have extended my contract here for an extra week so that I can help with a "transition period" with the new co-op. What it really means is that I am going to be teaching someone else how to do this job. I just hope that they are not better at it than I am. Who knows. Maybe a monkey can do what I do, but I can't. :-(

I just got back from Stratford this weekend. We saw Gigi and The King and I. Both were wonderful, but I liked the King and I better. I would love to go back next year. It was really great. It was a LONG drive though... I put like 1500 km on my car this weekend. Time for an oil change. *sigh* But having said all that, I still think that the King was worth the drive. I would have liked to stay a bit longer though. Maybe closer to the town and see more shows.

The weekend before that I went to the cottage with Laura. It was really nice. A bunch of my family was up there. The weather wasn't the best, and I didn't get Laura out on the lake tubbing (didn't have a fast enough boat to pull anyone) or boarding (she thought that it looked scarry, but I think that we could get her out next time). Needless to say, I am looking forward to next weekend where I won't be driving much. I think that it will be a "stay at home" kind of thing.

I have a group meeting tonight. Unfortunally, I have not really done much for the last month at all. And I don't know where all the time has gone. I am going to have "book" time to work on it on the weekend mornings. I don't find myself too effective after I get home from work. I can hardly write emails (which I am FAR behind). I just don't know where the summer has gone. How is it that there is only 1 month left? What the hell happened to the other 3? Damn. Ah well. I should get back to work. I just hope that this posts fine.
Cake - short skirt / long jacket

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