Monday, 13 December 2004

It's finding the right tutorial

It's all about finding the right tutorial. Until I found this tutorial, I was having a lot of trouble setting up VNC at home. It wasn't until I got to the step where they talk about opening the firewall that I clued in. Of course RH would be running a firewall by default... *sigh*


  1. Are you actually running the old RedHat 9 or Fedora Core?
    When I installed FC3 last week, part of the installer covered whether you wanted the firewall activated (enabled by default). I guess you weren't paying attention. :)
    As for the naming, I'm not sure if Fedora Core is actually *called* RedHat Fedora Core.

  2. They're all redhat underneath. I'm running Mandrake, which broke off of Redhat quite a while ago, at least in computer years it's been a while. Anyway, it still says Redhat in a few places when booting up. I'm not sure why they did the whole fedora core thing to have a desktop distro of redhat, would have been nicer if the just pumped some resources towards Mandrake. I hate that there are 500 different linux distros.

  3. I'm actually running FC1. Now I think that I will upgrade to 3 which will probably mean a clean install. I DO want the firewall on, but I had forgotten about it since it has been a while since I actually installed Fedora.
    I keep on talking about it as "Red Hat" because I find it easier to spell... :-P
    And yes Kibbee, it really pisses me off that the linux world is so diverse.

  4. RedHat (the company) is just trying to distinguish between their stable commercial product (RedHat Enterprise Linux) and their open source project (Fedora Core).
    Future versions of RHEL will be based on FC, but it's a good idea for marketing. People will be sure they are getting the nice stable stuff. This is what happens when things go mainstream. :)
