Thursday, 27 January 2005

Coverage tools (again)

A roving reader pointed out djUnit for doing testing and coverage at the same time in Eclipse. I tried it out at work for a couple of minutes on WSAD 5.1.2 but it didn't show any lines in the file. I suspect that it doesn't play nicely with WSAD (right now) since IBM has their own everything doing stuff. You couldn't even change what java version (to 1.4) the test server used without upgrading.

I'll play around with it later "when I have time". Before that I'm going to get JBoss running at home and play around with stuff by myself. It's all time though... there's about 1000 things that I want to do, but I think that I have time for only 2.5. *sigh* Ah well. I'll probably look back at myself in 10 years and wonder why I didn't do more with all my free time.

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